
After weeks of waiting I have finally got Menomena’s Friend and Foe in my little hands. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but the album cover is absolutely astonishing. Craig Thompson, the illustrator behind the cover, has produced a very well thought out design, with punctures that penetrates through the entire cd case. How far can you push the limits of a 125 × 142mm plastic case? Obviously, quite far.

Friend and Foe CD Cover

Now that I’ve heard the entire album, it looks like the Arcade Fire has got a battle on its hands for poll position. Friend and Foe is dark and is an incredibly sharp release, and at times it feels it has come straight from a cathedral. Their crunchy riffs, diverse range of samples and controlled beats make it an eclectic, yet coherent album made possible through Danny Seim’s vocals. The opening track, “Muscle’n Flo” is rich, varying in sound textures with a constant shifting of pace and resonance – it has its peaks and troughs. “Wet And Rusting” is definitely a highlight on the album. It builds, and builds you onto this unpredictable journey through subdued and almost quiet moments, while seamlessly swinging to a torrent of highly-appropriate tones. “Boyscout’n” is where the supposed ‘fourth’ member of the band, known as “Deeler” (or Digital Looping Recorder) is most evident. Deeler is their unconventional approach to music. Instead of writing a song, guitar and pen-and-paper in hand, Menomena work backward and start with a drum beat, yet creating music that is as equally amazing as those on paper. Menomena’s Friend and Foe is unpredictable, diverse, dynamic and a real surprise.


From Friend and Foe:
[MP3] Menomena – Rotten Hell

  1. wayne said:

    I got Friend and Foe in the mail from Barsuk 2 days ago. I agree it is a very fine album. I love how even the music is experimental, it also has huge heart. Definitely an early contender for album of the year. Also glad you posted Rotten Hell, because that song is one of my favourites. The Pelican is ferocious too.

  2. RO said:

    Yeah it definitely has heart. Its so difficult to pick a fav out of this album – its all so good!

    And how awesome is the cover?! You can turn it inside out and get a totally different, yet fitting, design. The inner design nerd is coming out of me now.

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